Informal Public Session Discussion - 4 day work week February 21, 2023 4:30 HYBRID (ZOOM information below)

Board of Selectmen's meeting room - Town Hall
Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 4:30pm to 6:30pm

 Staff continues to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a four-day work schedule at Town Hall and DPW.   Staff views the four-day work schedule as a means to improve overall service to the public, reduce operating costs to the Town, and provide a tool/benefit to retain and recruit employees.

Staff at the Town Hall believe that we can improve service with extended hours earlier than 8:00 am start and later than the 4:30pm closing time.  In an effort feedback/input from the residents and property owners, Staff conducted a public online survey.  The responses were encouraging with the majority supporting the proposed four-day workweek with the extended hours in the evening. In addition, Community Development contacted representatives from the building/development community who expressed their general support of the concept.

The Town should also realize energy cost savings by closing the building from Thursday evening to Monday morning.  We estimate annual cost savings of approximately $5,000-$8,000.

Staff also is continuing to evaluate alternative and extended hours for the Transfer Station. 

At this time, additional discussion with staff and input from the public is necessary to determine the recommended extended hours of operation (ie. 7am – 5pm, 7:30am – 5:30pm). In addition to releasing updated surveys, we have scheduled an informal public session on February 21st in the Town Hall Board of Selectmen Meeting from 4:30 to 6:00 for residents/stakeholders to provide input/comments. We anticipate submitting the final proposal for Board of Selectmen review and consideration at the February 27th regularly scheduled meeting. 

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