
"Historic preservation is not about stopping change and is certainly not about squeezing out creative and exciting new architecture and development. Preservation allows us to retain the best of shared heritage to preserve sites of unique quality and beauty, revitalize neighborhoods, spur economic revitalization, and, quite simply, create better communities." Ken Bernstein is Director of Preservation Issues for the Los Angeles Conservancy.

Questions you should ask yourself as you consider the demolition of a Building or Structure
  • Does the building or structure have such interest or quality that it would meet national, state or local criteria for designation as a historic, cultural, or architectural landmark?
  • Is the Building or structure of such unusual or uncommon design, texture, or materials that it could not be reproduced or only with great difficulty and expense?
  • Is the Building or structure of such architectural or historic interest that its removal would be a detriment to the public interest?
  • Would retention of the building or structure help to preserve and protect a historic place or area of historic interest in Milford?