127 Elm Street Feasibility Study

Project Summary

The HL Turner Group along with Ironwood Design Associates was retained by the Town of Milford to conduct and prepare a needs assessment and feasibility study to develop options for a possible Community and Senior Center through the reuse/renovation of an existing 30,000 square foot commercial/industrial building located at 127 Elm Street or the construction of a new facility on the subject property and Keyes Memorial Park property. The scope included evaluating the current/future recreational and social programming within the Town and collaboration/ partnerships with non-profit, private organizations, and community groups within the Community to determine the footprint and spatial requirements of the Center and facilities.

This study builds off a previous study completed by the Keyes Memorial Park Expansion Committee in December 2016. which detailed information about the Committee’s findings, process, and recommendations focusing on integration of the parcels, public awareness, public safety, traffic improvements, asset management, and long-term planning. This report should be viewed as a continuation of that 2016 effort. The Community Center Feasibility Report was commissioned and funded by the Milford Recreation Commission in 2020 after the Board of Selectmen determined that more information was required to assess the viability and reuse of the 127 Elm Street property for Town use and recreational programming.