Mayflower Hill Town Forest

Management Plan

This town forest is composed of three separate parcels totaling about 35 acres. The forest is located just northwest of the center of town. The primary use is hiking. The property is crisscrossed with hiking trails with most leading to the top of Mayflower Hill which has a spectacular view looking west up the Souhegan River Valley.

The property is growing a mixture of tree species, predominated by red oak, black oak and white pine. Abundant wildlife can be found on this property because the hardwood species produce an abundance of food and the pine provide cover.

Much of the land has relatively shallow soil to bedrock which is very well drained. Because of this, tree growth is slow and quality is generally poor. In areas of the property where tree growth is much better, the terrain is quite steep, limiting the value of timber products. Mayflower Hill Town Forest is a valuable property for the town to preserve as open space for hiking and viewing small animal species and the general aesthetic value of the area.